Saturday, November 28, 2009

The most valuble gift of all

I am blessed to have a wonderful family who is fortunate enough to gather for just about every holiday, we can celebrate in great fashion and give each other fantastic material gifts. I'm so very thankful that in a world of turmoil, war and poverty we can do this. When I step back and take a look at it, the big picture, I honestly feel like I am wealthy. I'm not rich in the financial sense, but I am far from destitute. I want for very little. I have food (yes, that food that I love so much), a decent apartment, great family, a fantastic fiance and great friends and love.

I went Black Friday shopping with my cousin yesterday. As I was bringing her home, we saw this teenage boy walking down her street with his head down. I ask my cousin, "who's that kid" she told me, "I don't know." She went inside and told her Dad about the weird kid walking down the street, talking to himself. I felt so bad for the kid- and honestly didn't believe he was talking to himself. Weird- maybe. Turns out that kid tried to kill himself later that evening, and he lived right down the street. This reminds me of he hard fact that holidays can be so very hard for people who are lonely, sad or depressed. When my brother and I were kids, sometimes we would go with my grandparents to old folks homes around the holidays. One time, my brother got pretty upset because he didn't understand why he had to go do this. My Mom told us a story about how the holidays are very hard for some people who are lonely or depressed. A girl who went to her school hanged herself in her closet around the holidays.

Donations are not always financial. Remember that in this busy holiday season that sometimes people just need you.

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