Sunday, November 29, 2009

Baby June 3

Several months back I thought that if I started knitting a baby sweater for Brooke and Andy Brennan, that it would produce "good vibes" and they'd get pregnant. Well I guess it worked, because Brooke is about 14 weeks now!

This sweater will probably fit a 3-6 month old (I guess, I'm horrible with baby sizes.) It's a cute gender-neutral spring green (and the iPhone pic does no justice!)

I am going to knit some other accessories, right now I am working on a cute cap. I'll probably go all the way and do booties too. A blankie is a bit ambitious, with school and the wedding plans.

The little bundle of joy is due on June 3, 2010. That gives Brooke 10 weeks to recover so she can be my Maid of Honor!

I really enjoy knitting baby items, since they work up so fast. I won't even bring up the adult sweater I started in 2004... I completed one adult-sized sweater in 2003, but it was completed with the bulkiest yarn and super-large needles (like 11 or 13.)

After I finish the baby cap, I think I'll start a project with some beautiful yarn I purchased at Purl Soho down in NYC. Perhaps I'll make a cute chullo earflap hat

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