Thursday, September 10, 2009

Geek Speak

I'm well on my way to becoming a Ubuntu (Linux) fan-girl (fan-woman?.)

Dave & I just completed our second successful (2 out of 2!) Ubuntu 9.04 install.

We finally broke down and set up a second bootable drive in Dave's computer and now we're running Windows 7 & Ubuntu along side eachother, which I may say is pretty neat.

Isn't Ubuntu pretty?:

I'm still in the "figuring out how everything works" phase in Ubuntu, but with the experience I gained from using it on my old box, I've learned how to get around in the terminal using commands. It's amazing how I can do pretty much anything I can do on a Windows OS on this system and it's OPEN SOURCE! If I had kids, I'd set them up with Ubuntu on their computers, less risk of virus' which would lead to a decrease in frustion for me as parent.

There are organizations for women involved in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), which I would love to be involved in at some point (perhaps during a school break.)

My favorite part of installing Ubuntu was when you were done with the installation CD, you were instructed to "Please remove the disk, close the tray (if any) and press ENTER to continue". I liked that it said "Please" and menioned "if any" in regards to the tray. Politeness and attention to detail, I like that.

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